Parents, Carers, Teachers, Staff and Friends Association of St Jérôme

Bienvenue à tous les nouveaux parents de la part de votre PTFA Committee!
Welcome to all new parents from your PTFA Committee!

We would like to extend our warmest welcome to all the parents from your PTFA committee.

The purpose of the PTFA as stated in the Constitution is to ‘advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by:

  • Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.
  • Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of our pupils.

Introducing your PTFA Committee team


Betty Lin

Betty Lin – Chair

I have two children who adore their time in school, Amelie (Y4) and Cara (Y1). As a multilingual, I believe in the learning ethos of St. Jérôme Church of England Bilingual school and I hope to further enhance the joy of the time spent in primary school and drive the enrichment of the children’s learning.

Anona Arthur -Co Chair

I am parent to Alexandra (Year 4). I have previous experience of being a PTFA Committee member at the School and I feel it’s important to build partnerships with our growing school community in order to benefit our children. Particularly at this challenging time by enhancing fundraising efforts and supporting our school we can contribute to enriching the lives and learning of all our children. 

Guy-Aldric Watine – Secretary

I have two boys, Alexis (Y1) and Jeremy (Reception from September 2022). I’m a French Video Editor and Cameraman for Television. Alexis loves the school and I look forward to raising money to support and improve St Jerome for the benefit of all our kids.


Harmony Johnson – Co-secretary

I am a secondary school teacher and mother of Hugh (Y1) and a baby girl. I feel very lucky that Hugh is at such an excellent school and I am looking forward to working with other parents on the PTFA for the benefit of the children and school. My particular interests are in recreational sports, music and the environment.


Nitu Vekaria – Treasurer

I am the parent of Kailen Vekaria who is currently in Year 1.  After moving to Harrow a couple of years ago, I was keen to get involved with the local area and community and I don’t think there is a better place to start than our local school.  I am a big believer in taking interest and playing a part in our children’s education as well as the community that they are nurtured in, so I look forward to working with my fellow PTFA committee members in supporting various projects and initiatives as well as raising funds for St Jerome.


Anshul – Co-treasurer

I am the father of Arin, who is in Year 1 now. He loves his school and we can see how he learns and progresses through his excellent education every day. I want to actively engage in his school’s community by bringing in as much as I can and help the school in various endeavours. I have a personal interest in creative designing. I am multilingual and have a professional business and finance background.


If you have any suggestions, ideas, and would like involvement in supporting any activity planned, please get in touch via [email protected]