Parents, Carers, Teachers, Staff and Friends Association of St Jérôme

Every parent and member of staff at the school is automatically a member of the PTFA and is encouraged to actively get involved in supporting the community events and fundraising efforts to enhance the children’s education.

Our individual efforts towards building the school community contribute to making our school community welcoming and inclusive of all and the work we do together demonstrates to our children that we care about their school and we model how to work well in the community. If everyone contributes then we can more easily and effectively achieve even more. We would like to extend our warmest welcome to all the parents from your PTFA committee.

We warmly invite parents to attend the PTFA AGM on Thursday 13th February, 7.30pm – 8.30pm, when we seek to appoint new committee members.  To find out more about the roles and responsibilities, please click on the button below.

PTFA Relaunch, Roles and Responsibilities

If you are interested in any of these positions, please follow the link below and complete the google form by Friday 7th February 2025.

PTFA Role Nomination Form

This is Your school and your voice counts!  We are keen to find out your thoughts on the PTFA to help the newly appointed committee to focus its work when relaunching the PTFA. Please take a few minutes of your time and let the school know how the PTFA can help to support your voices by completing the Parent Questionnaire below.

PTFA Questionnaire 2024

PTFA News and Updates


Join our School Lottery and raise funds for our school

Since Spring 2021 we have raised £500 through our School Lottery.  There are weekly cash prizes, other great prizes every term and the chance to win a £25,000 jackpot.

Tickets cost £1 per week and draws take place every Saturday throughout the calendar year. The more players that sign up, the more funds we can raise for our school.

To find out more, spread the word amongst family, friends, colleagues and to sign up, just visit: https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lottery/school/st-jerome-cofe-bilingual-primary-school

If you have already signed up for School Lottery please remember to check the results via the link above.

Stamptastic logo Please label all items of uniform. If you are not a fan of sewing, an alternative is to use sticky name labels.The PTFA recommends the Stikins and the school fundraising number is 35863 if ordering online through stikins.co.uk. (Schools earn up to 30% commission.)

Alternatively, you can label your child’s belongings with STAMPtastic.  A personalised stamp that does not require sewing or ironing.

When placing your order simply use the school code: HA1 2DJ and the school will receive 20% commission.

Without any cost to you, you can raise money for the school when you shop online

You just have to download an app called Easyfundraising, available on mobile phones or computers. Once registered, click on it and you will be redirected to the retailer you need (Amazon, M&S, H&M and thousands of others). Shop as usual, and the retailer will make a donation on your behalf to St Jérôme. Donations are typically 0.5% of the price of your purchase. It is really amazing! Look for it on the App Store or Google Play.


If you have any suggestions, ideas, and would like involvement in supporting any activity planned, please get in touch via [email protected]