Welfare, Medical and Well-being
Generally, children suffering from an illness requiring regular medication should be kept at home unless your doctor advises otherwise. Medication can be brought into school. We ask that an adult delivers it to the school office at the beginning of the school day and collects it at the end. Medication should never be delivered by or returned to your child. You will be asked to sign a consent form, including details of dosage etc. that will enable us to administer the medicine. We may not administer non-prescription products such as cough sweets etc., nor do we keep a supply of Calpol.
Authority to Administer Medicine Form
Once completed please return this form to the school office.
Administration of Medicines, Inhalers and epi-pens
If your child is well enough to attend school but is required to take medicine during the school day, we will ensure that they are administered provided that:
- We have received your consent and clear instructions in writing
- The expiry date on the label has not passed. If it has, we cannot give it.
If your child requires medicine, please visit the school reception at the start of the school day to sign the consent form and talk through issues with the member of staff responsible to welfare.
NB: Whilst we endeavour to return medication at hometime, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that it is returned.
The parent of any child who suffers from asthma is asked to arrange for their doctor to complete an asthma card which details regular medication and individualised processes in case of attack. We require two inhalers in school; one to be retained in the classroom and one to be held in the medical room. Inhalers are kept securely, but with easy access by the member of staff responsible for welfare. St. Jérôme has an Asthma Policy which is approved by the Harrow Children’s Asthma Group and available on request.
Exposure to the sun
Our lunch-time period is not sufficiently long to over-expose children to the sun, but in light of the dangers of over-exposure, we would ask you to be mindful of your child’s safety and comfort on occasions such as sports day, P.E and outdoor activities in summer-time particularly if your child is susceptible to burning. Even on a cold day up to 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate light cloud.
If necessary, provide your child with a hat and a high factor sunscreen of at least factor 15, which should be applied prior to coming to school. Children thought to be showing any signs of burning will be removed from direct sunlight. Our uniform stockists supply ‘legionnaires’ caps’ bearing the school logo, for the children to use in summer.
First Aid
At St. Jérôme we have qualified first aiders on hand to care for the children. We ensure that the Local Education Authority’s policy on welfare is stringently adopted and Local Codes of Practice are applied appropriately.
In the event of the inevitable minor injuries, which might occur during the school day, children will visit the staff member responsible for welfare, for the administration of first aid and to be comforted. If a child receives a head injury, a note will be sent home informing you of the time and date of injury.
In the event of an accident or injury, which may require hospital attendance, the casualty will be taken to hospital and you will be telephoned and asked to meet us there. To cover eventualities such as hospital attendance and any condition, which may require your child to be taken home; it is vital that we are given adequate and up to date contact numbers to avoid causing your child discomfort or distress unnecessarily.
Unfortunately, headlice occur in schools from time to time. Children should not be sent to school until a known infestation is treated as others can be (re)infected. It is also important that the whole family should be treated to avoid cross contamination.
In the interest of all children, if headlice are found, it is the school’s policy to ask parents to collect their child(ren) in order to effect treatment. We will notify parents of a reported case of headlice by email but maintain complete confidentiality at all times. A child who has an infection of headlice may return to school as soon as they have been treated.
Please do not hesitate to ask for advice. Further information can be found at: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/
Health Checks
The School Nursing Team will periodically undertake health checks e.g. checking heights and weights. You will always be informed and where necessary seek your permission.
General happiness and well-being
St. Jérôme is a happy school and we want your child to enjoy their time spent with us learning and growing in every sense.
If your child suffers any upset at home which you feel we should be aware of, please feel free to come and discuss any concerns you. However trivial you may feel a problem might be, it can be a source of anxiety to your child and we are keen to help in any way we can. All matters are treated with total confidentiality.