Parental Engagement

Parent Consultations

Parent Consultations are held in the autumn and spring terms.  These provide an opportunity to view your child’s work and discuss their progress with the class teacher.  It should be noted that any difficulties that arise throughout the year should be dealt with immediately and not left until an opening evening.


Parental Involvement: What do we expect from you?

Just as you have high expectations of St. Jérôme School and its staff so we too, have high expectations of parents.  In choosing to send your child to our school, we expect to work in partnership with you, providing an all round education for your child.

Such a partnership requires you, as parents to;

  • Support the school aims
  • Support the school’s Christian ethos and values
  • Support bilingual ethos and encourage your child in learning French
  • Show an interest in your child’s educational development
  • Support the school in all its activities
  • Encourage self-discipline in your child by reinforcing the school’s discipline policy
  • Show enthusiasm without pressure for what is taking place in school
  • Ensure that homework set is satisfactorily completed and brought to school on time
  • Give time for reading to, playing with and listening to your child
  • Ensure that your child attends school regularly and notify on the first morning of any reason for absence
  • Ensure that your child arrives and is collected from school on time
  • Keep us informed of anything that happens at home which might cause changes in behaviour / the attitude of your child
  • Actively participate in specific fund-raising activities and share areas of expertise
  • Ensure your child wears the correct uniform and has the relevant equipment

if you think you have a skill that could be used in school please let us know by email – [email protected]  Obviously this applies in a non-covid situation. In this way the skills and expertise of the wider community outside the school can be brought into the classroom.

In line with government requirements, St. Jérôme School has a home-school agreement, which endorses the partnership between parent, child and school.

Educational Visits are dependent upon parents support and helping to supervise children on such visits.  In this way, parents are supporting and positively reinforcing the education of the children at St. Jérôme.  Sometimes teachers will ask for specific involvement from parents to support class assignments.


Parents, Carers, Teachers, Staff and Friends Association of St Jérôme

Bienvenue à tous les nouveaux parents de la part de votre PTFA Committee!
Welcome to all new parents from your PTFA Committee!

It’s very exciting to welcome you as part of the St Jérôme school community and we are very much looking forward to meeting you and your children during the Michaelmas (Autumn) term.

We all have taken on our roles in the PTFA Committee just prior to lockdown in March 2020 and are now looking forward to realising our ideas.

We would like to start by introducing ourselves to you in a bit more detail.

Just before we get on to that, we would like to tell you what our PTFA is about.

In brief, the purpose of our PTFA as stated in the Constitution is to “advance the education of pupils in the school in particular by:

  • Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school
  • Engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment, which support the school and advance the education of the pupils

So, this is our focus. You will see from our introductions that we are all working parents and hence our promise to you is that we will always try to keep it simple, make it as easy for you to get involved, listen to your ideas, and be grateful for any support you can provide; no matter how small, it will be most welcome and make a real difference. We will not always get it right, but we’ll give it a good go.

Normally, when joining a network or association, you would typically be asked to formally sign-up. But not with the PTFA, by being a parent of a child at St Jérôme School you are automatically considered to be a fully-fledged member of the PTFA. So, whilst our Committee is a team of 6, in reality with all of you, we are a team of at least 300!

At St. Jérôme we have an active PTFA and would love to speak to anyone who would like to be involved. School PTFAs form an integral part of any school community whilst raising vital funds for the benefit of its pupils. This role is both rewarding and fulfilling, although voluntary.  Please speak to any member of staff or PTFA representative if this interests you.

We genuinely can’t do this without you. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to be involved with an activity, please do get in touch.

[email protected]

How we support our school and our children

Here are some examples of the type of activities keeping us busy:

  • Launched our very own School Lottery –
  • Raised over £2,500 through Crowdfunding to build a library for KS2
  • Partnership with Bags2School – an organisation that recycles unwanted clothes and accessories
  • Partnership with IQ cards – to create that extra special Christmas card for family and friends
  • Easter Parade and Arts & Crafts competitions
  • Support the school’s Christmas events for each Year Group, including raising money for Great Ormond Street Hospital through sponsorship of the Daily Mile

And as lockdown eases, we hope to be able to welcome you to our Summer Fayre to celebrate Bastille Day (planning in progress!); and Autumnal Movie Nights tailored to each Year Group.

Discover more about our PTFA here


There is no parking available on the school site. It is imperative that great care is taken when dropping and collecting children. Please observe all road markings and be respectful of local residents’ driveways and parking bays. We ask you to exercise consideration to our neighbours.
Parking is a very serious issue: Parents are encouraged to be good citizens and report to the police any vehicles which are parked illegally or block any part of resident’s driveways. We do not tolerate parents who compromise safety or good relations with our neighbours.


Reports are written by the class teacher and sent home to parents / guardians towards the end of Trinity term.  You will be asked to acknowledge receipt of the report and for any comments you wish to make.  There is also an opportunity to discuss the report with the class teacher.

When children leave St. Jérôme, their records are forwarded to the new school.
No documents are retained here.  Please ensure that you keep school reports safely as we cannot take responsibility for any loss once records have been forwarded.


The school takes safeguarding and the safety of its pupils very seriously and has implemented a series of safety measures including an entry phone system, exit doors only, panic buttons, phone connections, visitors’ badges, signing in and out files and locking perimeter gates. We feel sure that parents welcome these measures even if they cause some inconvenience. They are not intended to deter any parent or official to the school. Outside of drop off and collection times all visitors to the school must report to the main reception.


All visitors to the school are requested to enter the building via the Station Road entrance, make themselves known to the Receptionist and for safety reasons, such as a fire drill, are asked to sign in and out and receive a ‘visitor’ badge to be worn visibly at all times when on the premises.